Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Turtle Pneumonia

I am sad to say Mr. and Mrs. are not fine recently. I took them to vet, then be told they got pneumonia. There is not much I can do because they are too small. Doc. Burrows gave them injections of antibiotics. I really hope it works. :(

Below is the article I found about the Pneumonia. 


Pneumonia is not something you can tell right away. The turtle usually will begin to exhibit sighs, most common of which are listed below, but other times they will carry it for several months without showing any signs or symptoms of being sick. An example: One of my red ear sliders, Frisbee, was fine on Friday evening before we went out of town. Sunday night, he was listing (swimming crooked, one side leaning lower than the other).  A week or so later with treatment, he was 100% again and has not had any further problems. On the other hand, Thorn, an Argentine Snakeneck Turtle, showed no signs until near death. Tests were conducted by a qualified herp vet (to include Radiographs and CT Scan), who diagnosed the problem as Necrotizing Pneumonia (deteriorating the lung tissue itself). This condition was estimated to have begun almost 1 year prior to showing any signs, and could have continued until death had I not gotten lucky and happen to see Thorn cough of a small amount of lung tissue.


Keep the water temp, ambient air temp and basking temps in a comfortable cushion, as per the needs of that particular species. Ensure that the ambient air temp does not fall below the temp of the water. If it does for a few hours (ie: during the night) then that is normal and natural in the wild. Several cases of pneumonia have been caused by this easily preventable condition. Another way of preventing pneumonia, is  to keep the turtles away from drafts, such as under or near open windows, especially in the winter. In our early days, we lost a slider to pneumonia this way.

If you are still not sure your turtle had pneumonia or not, the video below shows exactly what your turtle will do if he gets it....

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